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10 ways to be more eco-friendly

Added: 26 October 2021

Tree growing in eco-friendly environment

Eco-friendly living is more achievable than ever, but it can seem overwhelming knowing where to start. Here are our top ten tips to make eco-living a reality.

Recycling icon

1. Recycle

Check what your local council will accept in your recycle bin and start sorting your rubbish. Plastic bottles, paper, card, glass jars and tins are widely accepted so are always a good place to start.

Have a look at what recycling schemes are available at your local supermarket, many are now accepting bread bags, crisps packets and other plastic packaging for recycling.

LED Lightbulb icon

2. Lower household emissions

Energy efficient LED light bulbs not only use less electricity than conventional halogen ones they also last much longer.

Turning your heating thermostat down by just 1 degree not only lowers your carbon emissions it also lowers your bill

Re-use bottle icon

3. Re-use

Re-fill a water bottle and take it with you to save buying multiple plastic bottles. Invest in a reusable coffee cup, many coffee shops chains offer a discount if you provide your own cup so you’ll make your money back in no time.

Take your own bags when you go shopping whether that’s to the supermarket, clothes shops or your local store. Most shops now charge for single use bags so you’ll save money too.

Recycle clothing icon

4. Buy items second-hand

Go for a rummage around your local charity shop or car boot sales and see what you can find. Don’t be tempted to buy things just because they are low priced only buy items you know you’ll wear or use often.

When you get home have a sort through of your cupboards and wardrobe and donate any good quality items to a charity shop or even have your own pitch at a car boot sale.

Save water icon

5. Save water

Turning the tap off while brushing your teeth, spending a bit less time in the shower and using your washing up water to give the garden a drink, can reduce your water usage and your bill.

To get even more involved you could consider switching to a water meter or if you already have one look into items your water provider offers for free or at reduced prices, such as shower heads and water butts, to lower your bills and usage even further.

Eco shopping tag

6. Shop local

Check out your local greengrocers and bakery before heading to the supermarket.

Shop in store rather than online as you’ll save both the emissions from the items journey and the plastic it often comes wrapped in.

Have a look and see if you have a local refill shop, if you do head down with your empty containers and get filling.

Sustainable food carrot icon

7. Eat more sustainably

Take part in Meat Free Monday or make one meal a day meat free to reduce your carbon footprint.

Meat can often easily be substituted with beans or lentils making a not only more environmentally friendly meal but also healthier too.

8. Grow your own

Feeling more ambitious? Have a go at growing your own veg. Now is a great time to start preparing a vegetable bed ready for next year’s growing season.

Then when spring comes around choose seeds from easy to grow vegetables such as courgette, beans, beetroot or tomatoes and before you know it you’ll have home grown vegetables

Footprint with recycling icon

9. Consider your journeys

Popping down to the shop for some bread and milk, could you walk and get some fresh air and exercise at the same time.

Going on a long journey consider taking the train to reduce your emissions

Electric car icon

10. Could you swap to an electric car?

If you have a commute under 50 miles, your workplace has an electric charger or you work from home and mainly use your car for short journeys at the weekend, an electric car could be a great swap.

Many homes now have two cars, if both or one car is often used for shorter journeys, switching one to electric would give you the best of both.

With lower running and servicing costs an electric car can save you money and help the planet all in one.

If an electric car isn’t for you look into hybrid options when next looking for a new car.

Check out the current Volkswagen Van range here

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